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Dec 2008 minutes
Salem Council on Aging
Board of Directors

Minutes from meeting of Wednesday, December 17, 2008.

Meeting called to order by Chair Kathleen Wilkinson, at 6:40 p.m.

Roll Call
Present:~ Kathleen Wilkinson (Chair, KW), Elaine Heredeen (Treasurer, EH), Frank Clocher (FC), James Willis (JW) and Donna Clifford (DC).

Absent:~ Pat Donahue (Vice Chair), Jane Sarnowski, Domingo Alvarez, and Joan Lovely.

Others Present: Andrew Lapointe (President of the Friend of the Council on Aging), Diane Ayers (Treasurer, Friends), David Goggin (Friends), Teasie Riley-Goggin (Friends), Calvin Young (Friends), Charlie and Anne Reardon (Friends), Diane White (Fundraising Committee, Friends), Roger Croteau, Rose Salvo, Elaine Tavers (Fundraising Committee, Friends), Doug Bollen (Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.), Bill Woolley (Assistant Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.).

FC motions to dispense with the reading of minutes from the meeting of November 19, 2008, and to accept them; seconded by EH; unanimously approved.

Comments/Recommendations of the Chairperson

1.      KW addresses the board about the Council on Aging bylaws that were handed out at last~month’s meeting. KW asks the board if they have any questions or comments and if anything needed to be changed or amended.~

KW recommends that the Council on Aging bylaws be accepted with no changes or amendments; FC motions; seconded by EH; unanimously approved.

Director’s/Assistant Director’s Report

1.      Doug Bollen (DB) begins by presenting Andy Lapointe with $405.00 from sale of the books, Personal Perspectives of a Changing Salem, that have been sold at the Senior Center. Lapointe asks DB to give the money to the treasurer of the Friends, Diane Ayers.

2.      DB highlights some of the accomplishments the Senior Center made in 2008.~ First, My Senior Center, a new, Web-based data-reporting system, was installed with donations from the AMVETS, Friends of the Council on Aging and grant money.~Other highlights included a new telephone system with voice mail, a six-station computer lab that was installed with help from Calvin Young, and the purchase of a new van with donations from the Friends, North Shore Elder Services and the Dominion Power Co.~

3.      DB asks Bill Woolley (BW) to present projects on which he has been working. BW discusses his efforts in reaching out to the Latino senior population. BW, along with DA, have circulated surveys door to door throughout The Point neighborhood.~ The goal is to identify needs and provide services. BW also discusses, briefly, bilingual TV show on which he and DA discussed the services offered by the Salem Council on Aging. It was filmed at the Danvers Access TV studio and copied to a DVD for broadcast by Salem Access TV.~~

4.      BW discusses the training of board members by the state’s Executive Office of Elder Affairs.~ KW, FC and PD attended the last training and BW invites more members to attend the next one, which will be held January 30, 9-11 a.m., in Chelmsford.

JW asks if you have to pre-register.~ BW responds that there needs to be at least one-week notice and he will remind board members of the training session at next month’s meeting.

5.      BW reintroduces the “Successful Aging in Place Seminar,” which was discussed at last month’s meeting.~ He discusses that the seminar will move from a single, live event to a DVD, which can be distributed to a much larger audience and that can be updated frequently.~ The goal is to connect with the 8-10 speakers from the 2revious event in 2005, film and edit their presentations and show them on SATV.~ The goal is to have the rough clips collected by SOA staff by February for editing purposes and to have the DVD done by April 2009.~ BW asks those who volunteered if they could begin contacting presenters from last seminar and begin setting up meetings with them for filming.

KW asks if BW would like to have a meeting to discuss presenters and to delegate which presenter’s volunteers are calling.~ BW suggests coordinating by e-mailing all those who volunteered to help.

DC asks if there was a DVD from the last seminar. BW explains that the previous seminar was a single event that was not filmed.

KW asks who the speakers were at the last seminar.~ BW responds; Frank Kulik (City of Salem Assessors office), Bonnie Celli (City of Salem Collectors Office), then-City of Salem Mayor Stal Usovicz, Gerry Stepner (Partnership and Communication Specialist for MASS AARP Tax Aide Program), Stephen~ J. Spano (Attorney of Law), John Patriakeas (Eastern Bank), Tom McElligott (Beverly Cooperative Bank), Program Manager from NSES and Lynn Duncan (City of Salem Planning Department on Housing Rehabilitation Program.

KW suggests that a representative from the City of Salem Housing Authority be added to that list for senior housing opportunities.
Treasurer’s Report
DB asks KW if he can present the treasurer’s report at next month’s meeting.~ KW approves.

Committee Reports
Transportation and nutrition statistics for December will be presented at January’s meeting.

Visitor Comments
KW asks Lapointe when the next time the Friends will be meeting.~ He responds by saying the fourth Wednesday of the month, while also confirming with Young that the Friends Fundraising Committee will be meeting on January 6.~ Lapointe adds that the Friends of the Salem Council on Aging received at $500.00 donation from Dominion for the Project Life Saver, which he is trying to implement in Salem.~ Lapointe is setting up a date to meet with the Rotary Club to further donations.~ The goal is to have the Project Life Saver available in Salem by February or March of 2009.~ Young says that Dominion donated roughly $8,000 towards the purchase of a new Council on Aging van last spring.~

DB asks KW if he could make a quick comment.~ KW approves.~ DB explains to Lapointe that there is a conflict with holding the Friends meeting the last Wednesday in January because that is the Appreciation Awards Night event for the Park and Recreation Board.~

DB makes final statement thanking everyone for a great year, including the COA Board, Friends of COA, all the committees of the COA and staff for their great work during 2008.

Next Board Meeting
January 21, 2009, at 6:30 pm.

KW recommended to adjourn, motion to adjourn by EH; seconded by FC; unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Meghan E. Murtagh